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alerting is part of the monitoring plugin. This means that you need to activate the monitoring plugin in order to take advantage of alerting.

temBoard watch monitoring metrics and can alert you if a metrics hit two different threshold : a warning threshold and a critical threshold. temBoard notifies you using mail or SMS (through Twilio messaging service).

In dashboard

When activated, alerting can show some information on the dashboard page.

On left side, the current status of metrics configured for alerting. On right side, the list of 20 alerts.

Alerting in dashboard

temBoard updates statuses and alerts every minute to match the last check.

Detailed Statuses

The status page shows all monitored probes in a more detailed view.

Alerting probes

Status Over Time

By clicking on probe name, one can also access an even more detailed view for each probe. In this view, users will find:

  • the current status,
  • the thresholds values over time,
  • the values for the monitored probe over time,
  • the past alerts (ie. status change),
  • the time ranges for which the status was warning or critical or if the check was disabled.

Alerting probe detail

On this page, user can enable/disable the checks and configure the thresholds. Please beware that the thresholds are configured per instance.

Alerting editing


Every alerting pages refreshes data every minute to present the latest checks.


temBoard is able to send a notification (Email or SMS) when the status for a metric on an instance changes.


First of all transport systems (SMTP or SMS Twilio service) need to be configured.

In your temBoard configuration file you need to add the following section:

# SMTP host
smtp_host =
# SMTP port
smtp_port = 465
smtp_tls = True
smtp_login = <email>
smtp_password = <password>

# Twilio SMS service configuration
twilio_account_sid = <account_id>
twilio_auth_token = <auth_token>
twilio_from = <from_number>

Note: you can leave the settings commented if you don’t want to use them.

The above example shows how to configure the SMTP for sending emails via Google Mail. The password may be an application password in case you’re using 2-Step-Verification. See Sign in using App Passwords.

If you use your own SMTP service, you may also want to set the sender FROM address:

smtp_from_addr = <email>

For the twilio settings, please refer to Twilio Usage Documentation.

Once the configuration seem to be OK, admin users can send test mails or SMS by clicking on the dedicated buttons in the Alert notifications tab.

Alerting notification test


In order to get notified, admin users have to set an Email or Phone number to the users.

Alerting notification set user

You must also turn on notification at the instance level.

Alerting notification set instance