temBoard is a powerful management tool for PostgreSQL. You can use it to monitor, optimize or configure multiple PostgreSQL instances.
- Manage hundreds of instances in one interface.
- Fleet-wide and per-instance dashboards.
- Monitor PostgreSQL with advanced metrics.
- Manage running sessions.
- Track bloat and schedule vacuum on tables and indexes.
- Track slow queries.
- Tweak PostgreSQL configuration.
- Visualize Query Plan.
All of this from a web interface.
You can run a complete testing environment based on Docker Compose, follow the quickstart guide for more details.
temBoard requires Python 3 and supports PostgreSQL 9.6 to 15. temBoard is composed of 2 services:
- A lightweight agent to install on every PostgreSQL server to monitor and manage.
- A central server controlling the agents, collecting metrics and presenting it on a web UI.
Dalibo ships packages for RHEL and Debian systems. For a regular installation, follow the Installation guide.
temBoard is open source software, developed by Dalibo Labs and availabled under the PostgreSQL license.