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Upgrade the server

From 8.1 to 8.2.1

Stop the service.

sudo systemctl stop temboard

Remove the old package:

sudo rpm --noscripts --erase temboard

Install last package:

sudo yum install temboard-8.2.1

Enable the service:

sudo systemctl start temboard
sudo apt update
sudo apt install temboard

From 8.0 to 8.1

Update the package:

sudo yum install temboard
sudo apt update
sudo apt install temboard

Upgrade 7.11 to 8.0

temBoard UI 8.0 supports agent version 7.11 and 8.0. Upgrade temBoard UI before upgrading agents.

temBoard 8.0 requires changes in database schema.

Stop service

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

Update package

Update temboard package with your preferred installation method.

Upgrade Database Schema

Then apply repository database upgrade with the following command:

sudo -u temboard temboard migratedb upgrade

Flush tasks

Flush background tasks with the following command:

sudo -u temboard temboard tasks flush

Generate Signing Key

Generate signing key:

sudo -u temboard temboard generate-key

Start service

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Upgrade 7.X to 7.9

Stop service

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

Update package

Update temboard package with your preferred installation method.

Upgrade SQL procedures

Then apply repository database upgrade with the following command:

sudo -u temboard temboard-migratedb upgrade

Start service

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard


Upon restart, temBoard UI will fetch missing monitoring supervision. This may take some time and ressources depending on the time of interruption and the number of monitoring instances.

Older versions

Upgrade 6.X to 7.0

Update agents

temBoard UI 7.0 is compatible with agent 6.X. Still, we suggest you to upgrade the agents.

Note: An upgrade of the agent is required if you want to use the new statements plugin.

Stop service

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

Update package

Update temboard package with your preferred installation method

Upgrade database structure

With the addition of the statements plugin, an upgrade of the repository database schema is required.

First of all, please make sure that you first did the upgrade from 5 to 6. This is very important!

Then apply repository database structure upgrade with the following command:

sudo -u temboard temboard-migratedb upgrade

Start service

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Activate statements plugin

Open temBoard in your browser and activate the statements plugin for the different instances on which you want to use it.

Upgrade 5.X to 6.0

temBoard UI 6.0 is compatible with agent 5.X. Still, we suggest you to upgrade the agents

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

Update temboard package with your preferred installation method.

The database structure hasn’t changed in this release, however temBoard now requires to version the schema and checks it at startup. This will ease future updates a lot.

The repository database schema must be stamped to the latest version with:

sudo -u temboard temboard-migratedb stamp

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Upgrade 4.x to 5.0

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

New package installation:

sudo yum install temboard

Upgrade repository database schema:

curl | sudo -u postgres psql temboard


sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -1 -f \
     /usr/share/temboard/sql/upgrade-4-5.sql temboard

To enable monitoring data purge policy, you need to update temboard.conf by adding the [monitoring] section and configure purge_after parameter. This parameter configures the amount of monitoring data, expressed in day, to keep in the repository. The purge policy is applied every 24 hours.

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Pull mode

Version 5 comes with a new way to collect monitoring data from the agents. Before this version, agents were pushing monitoring data to temboard server. Starting from version 5, temboard server is now able to pull monitoring data if the target agent has been deployed in version 5 or upper. The server still supports push mode for the agents still running in version 4.

Upgrade 3.0 to 4.0

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

New package installation:

sudo yum install temboard

Upgrade repository database schema:

sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -U postgres -f \
     /usr/share/temboard/sql/upgrade-3.0-4.0.sql temboard

Update temboard.conf by adding the [notifications] section. Please see this HOWTO for more informations.

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Upgrade 2.x to 3.0

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

New package installation:

sudo yum install temboard

Load the maintenance plugin by adding "maintenance" in the list of plugins in your temboard.conf file.

Upgrade repository database schema:

sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -U postgres -f \
     /usr/share/temboard/sql/upgrade-2.2-3.0.sql temboard

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Activate the maintenance plugin for the instances in the settings view in your browser.

Upgrade 1.2 to 2.0

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

New package installation:

sudo yum install temboard

Upgrade repository database schema:

sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -U postgres -f \
     /usr/share/temboard/sql/alerting.sql temboard
sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-10/bin/psql -U postgres -f \
     /usr/share/temboard/sql/upgrade-1.2-2.0.sql temboard

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Upgrade 1.1 to 1.2

Stop temboard service:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

New package installation:

sudo yum install temboard

Start temboard service:

sudo systemctl start temboard

Upgrade 0.0.1 to 1.1

temboard upgrade process is going to be done within 4 stages:

  • Software upgrade
  • Configuration update
  • Repository upgrade
  • Post-upgrade operations

Software upgrade

First, temboard must be stopped:

sudo systemctl stop temboard

New package installation:

sudo yum install temboard

Configuration update

The following changes should be reflected into the configuration file:

  • plugin supervision renamed to monitoring : parameters plugins and plugins_orm_engine
  • plugin settings renamed to pgconf : parameter plugins
  • CA cert. file not required anymore : parameter ssl_ca_cert_file can be commented

Repository upgrade

temboard database structure needs to be upgraded too. Before doing anything, you should make a backup of temboard database with pg_dump.

Once the backup is done, you can proceed with database upgrade:

  • Load SQL script /usr/share/temboard/sql/monitoring.sql with super-user privileges
  • Load upgrade script /usr/share/temboard/sql/upgrade-0.0.1-1.1.sql with super-user privileges

If everything goes well, you can drop old data:


Post-upgrade operations

Task list clean-up:

sudo rm /var/run/temboard/task_list

Finally, temboard can be started:

sudo systemctl start temboard