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Configure the agent

temBoard agent reads configuration from arguments, environment and file. Defaut configuration file is /etc/temboard-agent/temboard-agent.conf. You can change this with TEMBOARD_CONFIGFILE envvar or --configfile switch.

temBoard agent always searches for a directory whose name is built with the config file and the .d suffix. Thus the default config directory is /etc/temboard-agent/temboard-agent.conf.d. temBoard agent reads only files suffixed with .conf. temBoard agent reads files in POSIX sort order: uppercase precedes lowercase.

The configuration file is mandatory. The configuration directory is optional.

The configuration file is in INI-style format as implemented by Python stlib config parser. Configuration parameters are distributed under sections:

  • temboard: this is the main section grouping core parameters;
  • postgresql: parameters related to the PostgreSQL cluster that the agent is connected to;
  • logging: how and where to log;
  • dashboard: parameters of the plugin dashboard;
  • monitoring: plugin monitoring;
  • administration: plugin administration,
  • maintenance: plugin maintenance.
  • statements: plugin statements;


  • ui_url: base URL of the UI managing this agent.
  • port: port number that the agent will listen on to serve its HTTP API. Default: 2345;
  • address: IP v4 address that the agent will listen on. Default: (all);
  • plugins: Array of plugin (name) to load. Default: ["monitoring", "dashboard", "pgconf", "administration", "activity", "maintenance", "statements"];
  • ssl_cert_file: Path to SSL certificate file (.pem) for the embeded HTTPS process serving the API. Default: /etc/temboard-agent/temboard-agent_CHANGEME.pem;
  • ssl_key_file: Path to SSL private key file. Default: /etc/temboard-agent/temboard-agent_CHANGEME.key;
  • ssl_ca_cert_file: File where to store each agent’s SSL certificate. Comment it to disable SSL certifcate checks.
  • home: Path to agent home directory, it contains files used to store temporary data. When running multiple agents on the same host, each agent must have its own home directory. Default: /var/lib/temboard-agent/main.
  • hostname: Overrides real machine FQDN. Must be unique for each agent. Default: None;


  • host: Path to PostgreSQL unix socket. As of now, temboard-agent requires superuser access using local UNIX socket only. Default: /var/run/postgresql;
  • port: PostgreSQL port number. Default: 5432;
  • user: PostgreSQL user. Must be a super-user. Default: postgres;
  • password: User password. Default: None;
  • dbname: Database name for the connection. Default: postgres;
  • instance: Cluster name. Default: main.
  • key: Authentication key used to send data to the UI. Default: None;


  • method: Method used to send the logs: stderr, syslog or file. Default: stderr;
  • facility: Syslog facility. Default: local0;
  • destination: Path to the log file. Default: /dev/log;
  • level: Log level, can be set to DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL. Default: INFO.
  • debug: A comma separated list of loggers to which level will be set to DEBUG.


  • scheduler_interval: Time interval, in second, between each run of the process collecting data used to render the dashboard. Default: 2;
  • history_length: Number of record to keep. Default: 150.


  • dbnames: Database name list (comma separated) to supervise. * for all. Default: *;
  • probes: List of probes to run (comma separated). * for all. Default: *;
  • scheduler_interval: Interval, in second, between each run of the process executing the probes. Default: 60;


  • pg_ctl: External command used to start/stop PostgreSQL. Default: None.


  • dbname: Name of the database hosting pg_stat_statements view, enabled through creation of the eponymous extension. Default: postgres.